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Any chance we can get a downloadable version of this?

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Certainly! I didn't even realize I hadn't provided the downloadable version. Should be available now. Let me know if there are any problems.

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Thnx! I greatly enjoyed Sex on the beach btw! I just had to see if you made anything else that I might enjoy which brought me here.

What music is the one in the karaoke! I don't know and I can find on Google!

That track is "What is Love" by Kevin MacLeod. It's an instrumental track only, and I made up lyrics to it for the game:

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I went ahead and created a YouTube playlist of the music in the game. Includes the original full tracks without cuts or changes. 

                       robotsexpartymurder playlist                                     

:( then how I win the karaoke? :(

You need to know the lyrics. If only there were some person with access to endless information...

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so I'm doing something wrong because I just know Alex and Ivan outside the androids and the handler. Thank you for all the answers and tips, tho. I will try a different run and see what I can get

Perhaps not a person.


this is SO COOL! i stayed up entirely too late playing it when i stumbled across it last night. I missed a pretty significant thing on my first run, so i'm headed back for more, and i cannot wait. the writing is so good, and the way it's presented is masterful. i love love games that drop hints towards their sinister undertones, games that worldbuild through the details as you go, and games that present odd situations as normal, leaving you to pick up the pieces yourself... so basically, this is ideal. the atmosphere and vibe are my JAM. i clearly don't have very many words atm -- so i'll shut up now and just say thanks for making this :-)


Thank you! It always makes me happy to hear people enjoy the vibe of this world. A couple of these characters wound up having brief cameos in my next game - which is not adult and very different! 


nice! I'll be along for the ride :-) I've started making my way through your other stuff now -- maybe this comment doesn't belong here, but I really like Cannery Vale, too. excited to keep reading/playing/experiencing the backlog!

Deleted 4 years ago
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Yes! True ending! Victory is mine!

Great, very immersive, deep worldbuilding, right combo of serious and light, amazing music choice (*blows kiss to Kevin MacLeod*), great characterization, great mystery, and very engaging! Also, hot. Also, Ai Wa Nanika is going to be stuck in my head forever!

Thanks for making this!

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I'm so glad you enjoyed it and got the full ending! I'm also so happy people have discovered the karaoke section since it's buried deep in the menus. While I was creating RSPM, there was a period of about six weeks where I couldn't drive the car without being all "...cuz it doooooesn't seem reeeeeeeeal..." :)

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Version 1.3 - Corrected numerous minor text errors based on gracious feedback. [Thank you F.D. and agentmidnight!]